RCM Diagnostics (Nintendo Switch)
A great way to confirm if your Nintendo Switch is operational is to boot into Hekate and run some diagnostics tests.
If your Switch has a bad eMMC it won't boot anything, and could also be stuck in RCM mode.
Booting from bench power and seeing a jump to 200mA then stopping there, is a good indicator that the console has entered RCM mode, or has a corrupt eMMC, or both.
Once you have boot into Hekate you can continue to check if the eMMC is ok, the Fuel Gauge and battery status, and more.
Go to Console Info. Check the Fuel Gauge shows information, and when you plug in the charger it shows the correct status and values.

To confirm firstly the console fully works and has good second-stage boot, select Launch and then Atmosphere FFS0 emuMMC to run Atmosphere on the SD card (bypassing the need for a good eMMC, although the eMMC itself must be functional).
For this to work you must of already made an emuMMC on the SD card. Check the RCM Backup eMMC page at the bottom on how to do it.

If this fully boots, your Second Stage Boot (MAX77620) regulation is fully working. If it fails, its likely your MAX77620 regulator.
To confirm the eMMC is good, go to Console then eMMC and check everything is green.

Run the Benchmark (button at top right), to confirm that is all good too.

If all is good, try to boot from eMMC by going to Launch and then Stock sysMMC

If it loads to the Nintendo Logo and stops, it could be second stage boot (confirm by running Atmosphere from emuMMC (first option) and if that fails also, it is second stage boot MAX77620 regulator.
If the eMMC Stock boots fully, the eMMC is OK. If it doesn't boot without first running Hekate to launch it, it could be AutoRCM is enabled.
Inject and run Hekate, then go to Tools then click the bottom right tap Arch bit RCM Touch Pkg then make sure AutoRCM is not turned on.
