Repair & Schematics
Amiga (Various)

Gotek FlashFloppy (Amiga)


The Gotek is a great device that emulates being an Amiga floppy disk.

You can use it in place of an internal drive by simply connecting it up to your internal IDE and power cable.

Inside the Gotek are some jumpers.

  • J5 = ---
  • JA = Jumper to J5 to generate READY signal on 34pin of floppy driver interface
  • JC = ---
  • JB = ---
  • S0 = Jumper for Drive select 0
  • S1 = Jumper for Drive select 1
  • MO = Jumper for Motor

If using it as a primary drive (internal or modified to work as external DF0) then you want the jumper over the S0 and pin below it closest to the IDE connector.

If using it as a standard external drive using an external parallel port to Gotek adapter, set the S0 jumper, even though apparently S1 is for DF1 it doesn't work if set to DF1.

Gotek Jumper Setting DF0
Gotek Jumper Setting DF0


I highly recommend programming your Gotek with FlashFloppy.

It is the best firmware for the Gotek.

Speaker for load sounds

If you are running FlashFlopyy, you can solder a speaker (any standard kind, like our Game Boy or Game Gear speakers) to the JB jumper pads (doens't matter which way around).

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Without passing it through a mini amplifier it will be quiet but still audible.

External Gotek As Internal

The best possible way to use a Gotek is to have it as an external drive but appearing as an internal DFO.

To do this you need to use a mod to the Even CIA with a Switchless DF0 DF1 mod, from Amiga Kit Store.

Switchess DF0 DF1
Switchess DF0 DF1

This mod basically reconfigures the DF0 and DF1 pins of the CIA chip between the internal and external drive by holding down the reset button combo Ctrl + A + A for over 5 seconds.

As you do this you hear a beep, once or twice, telling you if the external drive is DF0 (two beeps) or the internal drive is DF0 (one beep).

For this to work you must set your Gotek drive select to S0 (so DF0) and do not have the Drive Ready jumper installed.

Then use an External Drive to Gotek adapter that maps the external port directly to the Gotek (or any floppy) IDE pins.

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If you want, you can use an existing external floppy drive and enclosure and wire the external floppy cable pins directly to the converter PCB from one of the External Gotek Adapter boards, to replace the flat ribbon with a clean original external cable.

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You can typically just re-wire the connector from most external cables as they are flipped. So pins 1 to 12 are wired pins 12 to 1, and pins 13 to 23 are pins 23 to 13.

Also note typically the bottom row has the missing pin (pin 24) the opposite side so you have to shift over the pins by 1 as well as reversing.

Ultimately, so long as your connector end pins bell out to the correct order as shown above when connected to the adapter, that's right.

The connector then plugs into the adapter towards one end leaving the unused pins free.

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