Repair & Schematics
Mattel Intellivision
RF Module (Intellivision)
The RF module on the Intellivision is a self-contained unit.
Without a game installed and working, there will be a one second delay before black screen.
Sometimes I have found you will get nothing at all on RF without a game inserted so it is best to test with a game in.
There are two adjustable pots you can use to tune audio hum and video frequency on the RF channel.

Intellivision RF Module Pinout
You will find the module on the rear of the console. I have labelled the connection points for ease.

Intellivision RF Module
If you struggle getting a picture, adjust the Video potentiometer with a screwdriver.
If you get audio buzz adjust the audio potentiometer with a screwdriver.
Updated 24 Apr 2024
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