New Dashboard (Xbox Original)
Once you have a mod chip installed, you can connect a new hard drive that is totally blank and insert the OGXbox Installer disc.
Alternatively, follow the guide for HDD Replacement.
Boot up the disc and it will detect the hard drive is blank and prompt to format it all. Follow the steps and allow it to format.
After this, you will want to install a dashboard. Go to Install or Switch Dashboards > Install Single Default Dashboard > Unleash-X or whichever you prefer.
If using Unleash-X afterwards go to Install or Switch Dashboards > Install Single Dashboard > XMNC as the UnleashX has a shortcut to XMBC and will need it.
I use the Default skin so go to Dashboard & Skins once in the Unleash-X dashboard, and change the skin to default by pressing A on it twice not once.
If XMBC doesn't launch for you after install, go to Apps then Text Editor, open the E:\Dash\Unleash X\config.xml and scroll down to the menu items where it shows loading the XMBC from the D drive. These needschanging to E by putting the cursor in front of D, pressing X to remove it, then white button to open keyboard and typing E for each entry.
After this
You can then go to Install Applications > Install Single Applications and install some useful tools. Most will be installed already as part of the setup.
- XBlast for flashing new BIOS files
- Dashboard Switcher allows switching dashboards.
- XBFTP allows copying files over FTP.
- DashLoader for swapping dashboards from button combos
- Chimp for when you want to install new hard drives
- DVD2Xbox copies disc to HDD
- DVD Region Changer lets you change the region of the disc
IMPORTANT: Make sure once done with the boot disc to go to Reboot & Shutdown and select Initiate Clean System Shutdown otherwise it may not boot into the dashboard on reboot.
Once finished, make sure to fully unplug the console and reboot otherwise it might not boot properly and hang at boot or give an error 21.
If you run XMBC Emustation, you can go to XMBC Options then Downloader and in there install dashboards, update XBMC, get emulators, artwork and more.
It's a great way to actually setup your system.
Different BIOS look for the default dashboard in different places.
EvoX looks in C:\ and E:\ for evoxdash.xbe for example, which was often an executable made as a shortcut to another location.
Project Stellar expects the default dash in E:\Dashboard so you would extract the entire contents of whatever dashboard, including the default.xbe to that folder.
The retail dashboard is C:\xboxdash.xbe and will be the fallback if a custom dashboard is not located.
A nice clean dashboard that is pretty modern is called LithiumX.
Use black and white buttons to scroll between games, apps, recent and so on.
Press Start to open menu where you can launch the MS Dashboard, access settings and more. It's a really nice interface.