HDF to Emu68 (Amiga)
The best way to configure your Amiga if you are using a PiStorm and Emu68 is to first do the full install, setup and copying all data and games you want on your PC using WinUAE.
From WinUAE create a new blank virtual hard drive, mount that, then do all the configuring, installation of Workbench and so on onto the virtual hard drive.
Once done, you want to use the hdf2emu68 to convert the virtual hard drive .hdf to an .img file.
Use WinImage or dd to write this .img file to the SD card. I have a guide for WInImage but it basically is:
Download and run WinImage.
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Click Disk > Create Virtual Hard Disk image from physical drive.... Select the SD card, then the .img file and write it to the SD.
Once done, re-copy the Emu68 files onto the EMUBOOT partition as you would a normal Emu68 SD card setup.