Repair & Schematics
Sega Mega-Tech Arcade

Powering From Bench (Sega Mega-Tech)


The Sega Mega-Tech is powered from the pin headers at the top right.

It has two main rails:- a 12V rail for the sound output, and a 5V rail for the rest of the system.

Power Pinout (Sega Mega-Tech)
Power Pinout (Sega Mega-Tech)

For most testing/diagnostics you can simply power the board from a bench supply on the 5V rail.

A working board pulls around 1.6A to 2A at 5V. Current above this usually means a short or failed components. Common ones to pull huge current are the IO Expanders (CXD1095).

Once 5V is applied you should see red light on the bottom left of board.