Repair & Schematics
Virtual Boy

Disassembly (Virtual Boy)


Start by removing the Virtual Boy from its stand.

Remove all Game Bit 4.5mm screws from the underside, except these 4 that are shown remaining.

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Now the black bottom cover lifts off.

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To remove the main motherboard, disconnect the push-fit lens ribbons that control each eyepiece. They just pull out.

Now push the two connectors with black tabs on forward to allow you to remove the cable.

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Finally remove the last white ribbon by pulling it out. This is on the left side. Now the motherboard lifts out freely.

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After this, you can freely see the other parts such as PCBs for each lens, servo PCB, speakers and so on. Remove whatever parts you need for servicing.

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If you want to fully remove the remaining items from the chassis there are two metal clips on the large metal housing, below the controller port and below the audio jack. Remove them with pliers and the entire assembly comes free.